Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Stephen Marley. Damien Rice. The Arcade Fire. It may sound like name-dropping but it's really just me still being in awe that I saw it all in one day. Most amazing, dance-filled, sunny, happy, surrounded-by-those-i-love, sweaty, hydrated, tiring, comfortable, uncomfortable, emotionally-charged weekend of my life. I can't put it all into words yet, but live music moves me even more than recorded music. Best concert, hands down. I can't stop listening to any of it, and I can't stop thinking about the order of songs chosen and a certain cover Damien slipped in there at the end. What- I just- seriously- SERIOUSLY? Coincidence isn't the word. I'll write more on this later. I'm still excited about it and it's over. I'll post pictures and talk in detail about the sets but for right now, allow me to steal a shot that I sort of remember. My eyes were closed some of the time and it was like millions of different emotions at once. I wanted to dance and sing and scream and cry and just soak in every second, every instrument sound, every harmony and crescendo and riff and not let any of it go.
if the children don't grow up, our bodies get bigger...but our hearts get torn up.
Whoever said that attaching your own emotions to songs and making them mean something to you more than just a work of art is wrong should be hunt down.
we're just a million little gods causin' rain storms, turnin' every good thing to rust oh and p.s. this is necessary.

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